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Brain Development & Education Lab



  • Yeatman, J. D. (2024). Primate brain: A unique connection between dorsal and ventral visual cortex. Current Biology, 34(16), R779–R781.
  • Yeatman, J. D., McCloy, D. R., Caffarra, S., Clarke, M. D., Ender, S., Gijbels, L., Joo, S. J., Kubota, E. C., Kuhl, P. K., Larson, E., O’Brien, G., Peterson, E. R., Takada, M. E., & Taulu, S. (2024). Reading instruction causes changes in category-selective visual cortex. Brain Research Bulletin, 212, 110958.
  • Roy, E., Rinsveld, A. V., Nedelec, P., Richie-Halford, A., Rauschecker, A. M., Sugrue, L. P., Rokem, A., McCandliss, B. D., & Yeatman, J. D. (2024). Differences in educational opportunity predict white matter development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 67, 101386.
  • Gijbels, L., Burkhardt, A., Ma, W.A., Yeatman, J.D. (2024). Rapid online assessment of reading and phonological awareness (ROAR-PA). Sci Rep 14, 10249.
  • Ramamurthy, M., White, A. L., & Yeatman, J. D. (2024). Children with dyslexia show no deficit in exogenous spatial attention but show differences in visual encoding. Developmental Science, 27(3), e13458.
  • Kruper, J., Richie-Halford, A., Benson, N.C. et al. (2024). Convolutional neural network-based classification of glaucoma using optic radiation tissue properties. Commun Med 4, 72.
  • Yablonski, M., Karipidis, I. I., Kubota, E., & Yeatman, J. D. (2024). The transition from vision to language: Distinct patterns of functional connectivity for subregions of the visual word form area. Human Brain Mapping, 45(4), e26655.
  • Caffarra, S., Kanopka, K., Kruper, J., Richie-Halford, A., Roy, E., Rokem, A., & Yeatman, J. D. (2024). Development of the Alpha Rhythm Is Linked to Visual White Matter Pathways and Visual Detection Performance. The Journal of Neuroscience, 44(6), e0684232023.
  • Roy, E., Richie-Halford, A., Kruper, J., Narayan, M., Bloom, D., Nedelec, P., Rauschecker, A. M., Sugrue, L. P., Brown, T. T., Jernigan, T. L., McCandliss, B. D., Rokem, A., & Yeatman, J. D. (2024). White matter and literacy: A dynamic system in flux. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 65, 101341.
  • Gijbels, L., Lee, A. K. C., & Yeatman, J. D. (2024). Children with developmental dyslexia have equivalent audiovisual speech perception performance but their perceptual weights differ. Developmental Science, 27(1), e13431.


  • Barrington, E., Sarkisian, S. M., Feldman, H. M., Yeatman, J. D. (2023). Rapid Online Assessment of Reading (ROAR): Evaluation of an Online Tool for Screening Reading Skills in a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Clinic. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 44(9).
  • Yeatman, J. D. (2023). Understanding the Interplay Between Executive Functions and Reading Development: A Challenge for Researchers and Practitioners Alike. Mind, Brain and Education
  • Grotheer, M., Bloom, D., Kruper, J., Richie-Halford, A., Zika, S., Aguilera González, V. A., Yeatman, J. D., Grill-Spector, K., & Rokem, A. (2023). Human white matter myelinates faster in utero than ex utero. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(33), e2303491120. 
  • Gijbels, L., Lee, A. K. C., & Yeatman, J. D.  (2023). Children with developmental dyslexia have equivalent audiovisual speech perception performance but their perceptual weights differ. Developmental Science, e13431
  • White, A. L., Kay, K. N., Tang, K. A., Yeatman, J. D. (2023). Engaging in word recognition elicits highly specific modulations in visual cortex. Current Biology, 1(33), 1–13.
  • Kruper, J., Benson, N. C., Caffarra, S., Owen, J., Wu, Y., Lee, A. Y., Lee, C. S., Yeatman, J. D., Rokem, A., & UK Biobank Eye and Vision Consortium. (2023). Optic radiations representing different eccentricities age differently. Human Brain Mapping.


  • Richie-Halford, A., Cieslak, M., Ai, L., Caffarra, S., Covitz, S., Franco, A. R., Karipidis, I. I., Kruper, J., Milham, M., Avelar-Pereira, B., Roy, E., Sydnor, V. J., Yeatman, J. D., Satterthwaite, T. D., & Rokem, A. (2022, October). An analysis-ready and quality controlled resource for pediatric brain white-matter research. Scientific Data, 9(1), 1–27.
  • Domingue B.W., Kanopka K., Stenhaug B., Sulik M.J., Beverly T., Brinkhuis M., Circi R., Faul J., Liao D., McCandliss B., Obradović J., Piech C., Porter T., Consortium Project iLEAD, Soland J., Weeks J., Wise S.L., Yeatman, J.D. (2022). Speed–Accuracy Trade-Off? Not So Fast: Marginal Changes in Speed Have Inconsistent Relationships With Accuracy in Real-World Settings. Educ. Behav. Stat.
  • White J., Burkhardt A., Yeatman J.D., Goodman, N. (2022). Automated generation of sentence reading fluency test items. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 44(44).
  • Weiss Y., Yeatman J.D., Ender S., Gijbels, L. Loop H., Mizrahi J.C., Woo B.U., Kuhl P.K. (2022). Can an Online Reading Camp Teach 5-Year-Old Children to Read?. Front Hum. Neurosci. 16: 793213.
  • Grotheer M., Rosenke M., Wu H., Kular H., Querdasi F.R., Natu V., Yeatman J.D.*, Grill-Spector K.* (2022). White Matter Myelination during Early Infancy Is Linked to Spatial Gradients and Myelin Content at Birth. Commun. 13(1): 1-12.


  • Ramamurthy, M., White, A.L., Chou, C., Yeatman, J.D (2021, August 23). Spatial attention in encoding letter combinations. OSF Preprints PDF
  • Grotheer M., Rosenke M., Wu H., Kular H., Querdasi F.R., Natu V., Yeatman J.D., Grill-Spector K. (2021, March 29) White matter myelination in early infancy is driven by spatial gradients and myelin content at birth. bioRxiv 2021.03.29.437583 PDF
  • Yeatman J.D., White A.L. (2021). Reading: The Confluence of Vision and Language. Annu Rev Vis Sci PDF
  • Domingue B.W., Hough H.J, Lang D., Yeatman J.D. “Changing Patterns of Growth in Oral Reading Fluency During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. PACE Policy Brief March 2020 Policy Brief  Working Paper
  • Caffarra, S., Karipidis, I.I., Yablonski, M., Yeatman, J.D. (in press). Anatomy and physiology of word-selective visual cortex: From visual features to lexical processing. Brain Struct Funct
  • Caffarra S., Joo S.J., Bloom D., Kruper J., Rokem A., Yeatman J.D. (in press). Development of the Visual White Matter Pathways Mediates Development of Electrophysiological Responses in Visual Cortex. Brain Mapp.  DOI:10.1002/hbm.25654 PDF
  • Huber E.G., Mezer A., Yeatman J.D. (2021). Neurobiological Underpinnings of Rapid White Matter Plasticity During Intensive Reading Instruction. 243: 118453 PDF
  • Henriques R.N., Correia M.M., Marrale M., Huber E., Kruper J., Koudoro S., Yeatman J.D., Garyfallidis E., Rokem A. (2021). Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging in the Diffusion Imaging in Python Project. Front Human Neurosci. 15: 675433. PDF
  • Gijbels, L., Yeatman, J.D., Lalonde K., and Lee, A.K. (2021). Audiovisual processing in relationship to phonological and vocabulary skills in first-graders. Speech Lang. Hear. 
  • Cieslak M., Cook P.A., He X., … Yeatman J.D., Grafton S.T., Satterhwaite T.D. (2021). QSIPrep: An Integrative Platform for Preprocessing and Reconstructing Diffusion MRI. Nature Methods. PDF
  • Richie-Halford A., Yeatman J.D., Simon N., Rokem A. (2021). Multidimensional Analysis and Detection of Informative Features in Human Brain White Matter. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (6): e1009136. PDF
  • Richie-Halford A., Narayan M., Simon N., Yeatman J.D., Rokem A. (2021). Groupyr: Sparse Group Lasso in Python. Journal of Open Source Software 6 (58): 3024. PDF
  • Yeatman J.D., Tang K.A., Donnelly P.M., Yablonski M., Ramamurthy M., Karipidis I.L., Caffarra S., Takada M.E.,  Kanopka K., Ben-Shachar M., Domingue. B.W. (2021). Rapid Online Assessment of Reading Ability. Sci Rep  PDF, ROAR Website, Press Release, Video
  • Kruper J., Yeatman J.D., Richie-Halford A., Bloom D., Grotheer M., Caffarra S., Kiar G., Karipidis I.I., Roy, E., Chandio B.Q., Garyfallidis E., Rokem A. (2021). Evaluating the reliability of human brain white matter tractometry. PDF
  • Joo S.J., Tavibi K., Caffarra S., Yeatman J.D. (2021). Automaticity in the Reading Circuitry. Brain Lang 215:104906. PDF
  • Grotheer M., Yeatman J.D., Grill-Spector K. (2021) White Matter Fascicles and Cortical Microstructure Predict Reading-Related Responses in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex. NeuroImage, 227(1): 117669. PDF


  • Donnelly P.M., Gijbels l., Larson K., Matskewich T., Linnerud P., Kuhl P.K., Yeatman J.D. (2020, November 20). A Symbolic Annotation of Vowel Sounds for Emerging Readers. PsyArXiv. PDF
  • Donnelly P.M., Larson K., Matskewich T, Yeatman J.D. Annotating Digital Text with Phonemic Cues to Support Decoding in Struggling Readers. PloS One 15 (12): e0243435 PDF
  • O’Brien G.E., Yeatman J.D. (2020) Bridging sensory and language theories of dyslexia: Toward a multifactorial model. Dev Sci PDF
  • Grotheer M., Yeatman J.D., Grill-Spector K. (2021) White Matter Fascicles and Cortical Microstructure Predict Reading-Related Responses in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex. NeuroImage PDF
  • O’Brien G.E., Gijbels L., Yeatman J.D. (2020) Context effects on phoneme categorization in children with dyslexia. Acoust. Soc. Am.; 148(2209): 2209-2202 PDF
  • Erramuzpe A., Schurr R., Yeatman J.D., Gotlib I.H., Sacchet M.D., Travis K.E., Feldman H.M., Mezer A. (2020) A Comparison of Quantitative R1 and Cortical Thickness in Identifying Age, Lifespan Dynamics, and Disease States of the Human Cortex. Cerebral Cortex PDF
  • Li Q., Joo S.J., Yeatman J.D., Reinecke K. (2020) Controlling for Participants ’ Viewing Distance in Large-Scale , Psychophysical Online Experiments Using a Virtual Chinrest. Sci Rep:1–11. PDF


  • White A.L., Boynton G.M., Yeatman J.D. (2019) You can’t recognize two words simultaneously. Trends Cogn Sci:4–5. PDF
  • White, A.L., Boynton, G.M., Yeatman J.D. (2019). The link between reading ability and visual spatial attention across development. Cortex 121:45-59. PDF
  • Donnelly, P.M., Huber, E., & Yeatman, J.D. (2019). Intensive summer intervention drives linear growth of reading skill in children with dyslexia.  Frontiers in Psychology 10(1):1-10. PDF
  • O’Brien G.E., McCloy D.R., Yeatman J.D. (2019) Categorical phoneme labeling in children with dyslexia does not depend on stimulus duration. J Acoust Soc Am 146(1):245–255. PDF
  • Bain J.S,. Yeatman J.D., Schurr R., Rokem A., Mezer A.A. (2019). Evaluating arcuate fasciculus laterality measurements across dataset and tractography pipelines. Hum Brain Mapp (April):1–17. PDF
  • Keshavan A., Yeatman J.D., Rokem A. (2019) Combining Citizen Science and Deep Learning to Amplify Expertise in Neuroimaging. Front Neuroinform 13(May):1–13. PDF
  • White, A., Palmer J.P., Boynton G.M., Yeatman J.D. (2019). Parallel spatial channels converge at a bottleneck in anterior word-selective cortex. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. PDF
  • Huber, E., Henriques, N.R., Owen, J.P., Rokem, A., Yeatman J.D. (2019). Applying microstructural models to understand the role of white matter in cognitive development. Dev Cogn Neurosci. PDF


  • Yeatman J.D., Huber E. (2018, June 13). Sensitive periods for white matter plasticity in human. PDF
  • Huber E., Donnelly P.M., Rokem A., Yeatman J.D. (2018). Rapid and widespread white matter plasticity during an intensive reading intervention. Nature Communications. 9(1):2260. PDF, UW News, KNKXWall Street Journal
  • Yeatman J.D., Richie-Halford A., Smith J.K., Keshavan A., Rokem A.  (2018). A browser-based tool for visualization and analysis of diffusion MRI data. Nature Communications. 9(1):940. PDF, UW News
  • Joo S.J., White A. L., Strodtman D., & Yeatman J.D. (2018). Optimizing text for an individual’s visual system: The contribution of crowding to reading difficulties. Cortex. 103:291-301. PDF
  • Schurr R., Duan Y., Norcia A.M., Ogawa S., Yeatman J.D., Mezer A. (2018). Tractography optimization using quantitative T1 mapping in the human optic radiation. Neuroimage. PDF
  • Kubota E.C., Joo S.J., Huber E., Yeatman J.D. (2018). Word selectivity in high-level visual cortex and reading skill. Dev Cogn Neurosci. PDF
  • O’Brien G.E., McCloy D.R., Kubota E.C., Yeatman J.D. (2018). Reading ability and phoneme categorization. Scientific Reports. 8(1):16842. PDF